Monday, August 08, 2005


From the Otter Creek Reunion Banquet (all classes)

Some folks made and paid for reservations at the Otter Creek all classes reunion but did not attend. The earliest class represented at St. Mary's was the class of 1931. Alas, I did not get a picture but I did get this of the two ladies who represented the Otter Creek class of 1935, Mary Ellen CARTY Black and Mary STEWART Russell.

A group of former teachers received high praise during the pre-dinner program: Joyce O'ROURKE Blackburn, Dale Gerrish, Ellen Slaven, Florida Lowry, Wanda Thomas and Ellen Richardson. Many stood and applauded their former teachers.

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Linda shows her high school skirt. A member of the class of 62 (that's the class that finished their 12th year at Garfield) brought her yellow cords to show. The decorations seemed to be not like some others that I remember from Wiley with the School name and organizations but simply with the names of her classmates. I've heard that class became close as they became a large group of new seniors in a city school.  Posted by Picasa


Many of us knew two of these front row freshmen who would be Otter Creek 1952 graduates. Posted by Picasa


Not to make you guess, it was Jim Huntley and Ed Mechling. They are both gone now but well remembered. Posted by Picasa


Front Row: Judy Stowe, Loretta Young, Judy Hart, Julia Shockly, Susanne Slemmons, Sharon Campbell, Donna Jones, Dixie King
Top Row: David King, Mike Bowers, Don Hurst, Don Callecod, Fred Morgan, Jerry Price, Ricky Huber, Darrell Howard, Gary Gibson, Allen Redmore. Posted by Picasa

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